Whether in Bachelor’s or Master’s programs at ESP Paris, discover the possibilities of partnerships and international study opportunities available to you. International exposure is an essential component of our professions. To prepare you for this, ESP has designed a program that allows you to immerse yourself in a multicultural context. Internationalization is thus at the core of ESP’s pedagogy, aiming to provide its students with a truly distinctive journey. This program includes:

  • The possibility of completing a 100% international program from the 1st to the 5th year: 1st and 2nd year Bachelor’s programs available in 100% English for students wishing to enhance their language skills, internships abroad in the 1st and 2nd years, « International Marketing » curriculum from the 3rd to the 5th year.
  • Mobility for one semester or one year in a school within the AD EDUCATION network.
  • Allocation of scholarships for all our students undertaking international mobility for internships or university semesters in Europe, thanks to the Erasmus + Charter signed by ESP.
  • European Bachelor and European Masters label for its various programs.
  • Emphasis on languages ​​within the curriculum with some programs entirely in English.
  • An exchange network, with leading foreign schools and universities in Europe, allowing our students to spend one or two semesters abroad during their studies.
  • A privileged partnership with Media University in Berlin, Griffith College in Dublin and IAAD in Italy, thanks to the AD Education network.



Located in the heart of the German capital, Media University school offers high-level programs entirely in English, focusing on communication, digital, and marketing. All ESP students can complete one to two years of Master’s studies at the Berlin campus.



Based in Turin, IAAD ffers a professional master’s degree in DIGITAL MARKETING. 1 year, 100% in English to join your M2 with essential international skills for opening up an international career.